Best Lacrosse Shafts

While Lacrosse may not be very popular like other games such as basketball, football as well as baseball, it is a game that requires much skill and strategy. There are different things you require for the game but the lacrosse shaft or lacrosse handle is the major thing that you should consider.

For various reasons, lacrosse players can choose specific shafts given that there are many brands. The choice of a brand of a particular shaft depends on one’s personal choice but there are also many things that you should consider when you want to buy this particular product.

What to Consider About Lacrosse Shafts?

best lacrosse shafts for attack

A lacrosse shaft is used together with a head to carry the ball. It also plays a role in checking players on other teams in a bid to make them loose ball control. Therefore, you need the right type of shaft to enhance your performance during practice and even during a game.

Some shafts are better than others but this mainly depends on your strengths and preferences. You need to take into account some of the following considerations when you want to buy a shaft if you are interested in the game of lacrosse.

1. Know Your Position

A lacrosse shaft is position specific and you will require a particular type of shaft if you are a defender, goalie or attacker/midfielder. Goalies require shafts that are 40″ while defenders need shafts that are 60″, and the midfielders/attackers should have shafts that are 30″. When you get the right shaft, you need to put the right lacrosse head on it.  

2. Player Level

When choosing a lacrosse shaft you must also know your playing ability. You should get a shaft that helps you to realize your skills and potential whether you are a beginner, intermediate or professional. You should do your homework before buying a shaft since there are numerous brands on the market.

3. Price of the Shaft

best lacrosse shafts for middies

Like any other product, you should have a budget for the particular shaft that you would buy. Lacrosse shafts come with different price points. If you are still a learner or beginner of lacrosse, you do not need to stress yourself with something pricey. There are also shafts that are of higher quality and they usually go along with high prices.

4. Replacing Your Shaft

In the event that your old shaft has been damaged, you can be able to keep lacrosse head that you can fit on a new stick. The head is often attached with screws so you only need to loosen them if you want to replace the shaft. Make sure you loosen the screws before attempting to remove them so that they do not get damaged.

You can then put your old head on a new stick if you feel that it is still okay and you can continue using it. However, you must ensure that the old head is compatible with the new shaft that you get. It is also important to make sure that the head and the shaft have even distribution of weight so that you can get good grip of the shaft.

Best Lacrosse Shafts

best lacrosse shafts for defense

The following are the best lacrosse shafts that you can consider buying. Apart from these, there are also plenty of similar products that you can get from reputable online retailers like

1. East Coast Dyes Lacrosse 2015 Carbon Lacrosse Shafts

The East Coast Dyes Lacrosse consists of innovative and composite materials for better performance and quality. This particular shaft is light weight and it also gives you good grip.

2. Firefly C30 iQ5 Composite Attack Lacrosse Shaft

The FireFly is something that you should consider if you want to upgrade your game to a higher level. It consists of many advantages such as being lightweight, durable and it also has sandpaper grip. However, the shaft head might not properly fit into the lacrosse shaft.

3. Maverik Lacrosse A1 Attack Shaft

This particular shaft is probably the lightest among different products within the MAVERICK portfolio. It is adjustable and it comes with butt end that gives you a firm grip. The shaft is lightweight and is suitable for expectations of users with different levels of experience. The shaft is lightweight, durable and works with all types of lacrosse heads and probably the best.

4. Maverik Lacrosse Union Attack Shaft

The shaft boasts of scandium titanium that gives you a natural feel. It is designed for great strength so that you can achieve the best performance during practice or play.  It is super durable and it has an ideal combination of weight. However, it does not have an adjustable cap.

5. Maverik Lacrosse Range Defense Shaft

This type of shaft features a traditional shape and offers a good grip and lessens chances of slip. The shaft is lightweight and it is durable. It also has a favorable price and it can help you gain experience quickly. 

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